The R Lucky Star Ranch museum contains over 3500 wrenches which are displayed in alphabetical order by company.


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Volume I  THE HISTORY OF OLD TIME FARM IMPLEMENT COMPANIES  is a 520 page, hardcover book. 

It contains the history of over 500 companies along with over 500 old advertising pictures. 

Over 3000 wrenches are pictured with the company that issued the wrench. 

With purchase of the book comes a 176 page supplement that matches over 3300 wrenches to the companies that issued them. 

Included is a prices paid list that is a compilation from 14 major wrench auctions.

To purchase the Volume I, please send $80.00 to. P. T. Rathbone, R - Lucky Star Ranch,  6767 Pershall Road,  Marsing, Idaho  83639.     

For all overseas destinations including Canada, please Email me for a quote. 

R Luckystar Ranch Parma Idaho


Volume II THE HISTORY OF OLD TIME FARM IMPLEMENT COMPANIES is now available to people that have the original book. 

Volume II refers back to the original book with the addition of wrench pictures that are not in the original book as well as corrections. 

The book is 320 pages and has a hardcover like the original book.There are the histories of 183 more companies and pictures of over 1700 new wrenches. 

The supplement has over 5000 part numbers matched to the company that issued the wrench. 

The price guide now includes the results of around 20 major wrench auctions.

To purchase the Volume II, please send $80.00 to. P. T. Rathbone, R - Lucky Star Ranch,  6767 Pershall Road,  Marsing, Idaho  83639.     

For all overseas destinations including Canada, please Email me for a quote. 

 You must have Volume I for Volume II to mean anything as it refers back to Volume I with corrections and additions.

R Luckystar Ranch Parma Idaho

Volume III THE HISTORY OF OLD TIME FARM IMPLEMENT COMPANIES.   It is a hardcover book containing the history of 183 additional companies and pictures another 1700 wrenches. 

It includes a 176 page supplement that matches 5000 part numbers matched to the company that issued the wrench as well as a price guide that is a compilation of over 20 major wrench auctions. 

To purchase this book, please send a check for $80.00 to P. T. Rathbone, R - Lucky Star Ranch, 6767 Pershall Road, Marsing, Idaho 83639. 

 For all overseas destinations including Canada, please Email me for a quote. 

R Luckystar Ranch Parma Idaho

Volume III Supplement to THE HISTORY OF OLD TIME FARM IMPLEMENT COMPANIES is a hardcover book containing 256 pages.  It has the history of 239 new companies and pictures over 1200 new wrenches. 

The supplement matches 6000 part numbers to the company that issued the wrench and has an updated price guide. 

It also makes corrections to volumes I & II.  The price is $55.00 postage paid.

The combination Volume I plus Volume II is $180.00 mailed to United States destinations. 

For all other countries, please Email me for a quote. 

For all three books including the Volume III supplement, the price is $240.00 

R Luckystar Ranch Parma Idaho

Volume IV THE HISTORY OF OLD TIME FARM IMPLEMENT COMPANIES now available for $60.  It has 283 pages and 700 new wrenches and the supplement matches 6800 part numbers to the company that issued the wrench.

If you have questions, please E-mail